
Monday, November 11, 2013

Grapes Farming Business | Growing Your Own Grapes Farming Business

Growing Your Own Grapes Farming BusinessIf you're new to growing grapes these tips will give you the basics of getting started. The focus of this guidance is on choosing the right site for planting. There's further suggested reading on avoiding the most common mistakes when growing grapes.
Grapes grow well in well drained soil and warm climate. You should live in a region where there is mild winter and dry summers.

Things You'll Need:

  • Somewhere to plant new grape vines. This could be any size plot of land from a 3ft x 3ft hole in a paved patio ready for an overhead arbor, to vineyard of any size. It doesn't matter what your purpose


1.The first thing is picking your site for things like good air drainage, good soil drainage, and the right kind of soil.

2.Think about air drainage: if you can get it up on a slope, or at least up where the cold air will drain away, that will help you prevent some frost damage at times. Think of cold air almost as flowing water. You need to think about whether the water would drain away, and where would it drain to? That will tell you something about where the cool air might be likely to pool up in the spring and give you frost hazard, whereas a spot perhaps just a few feet above it might not.

3.The next thing is to ensure your site is not prone to collecting water. When vines are dormant they can tolerate a certain amount of water but it should not be encouraged.

4.Preparing the soil: You should put in lots of organic matter, and I don't just mean mixing it into the soil. That's actually not the way to do it. The better way is to put it on top of the soil and let the organisms in the soil, the earthworms and the bacteria and the microscopic insects and so forth, work and carry it down into the soil. First of all, this helps keep the soil structure intact, and at the same time, works on improving it. Fish fertilizer is my recommendation.

5.Planting: You're much better off if you just plant it in without doing anything fancy in the hole you've dug. Leave the structure of the soil in place as much as possible. Put mulch materials on top and let them go into the soil, so that the plant get its nutrients from the soil it has to grow in.

Planting Grapes for Selling:

Growing Your Own Grapes Farming BusinessA vineyard can give you what you need but you should know how to grow the grapes. You have to consider your location. If your region suitable for growing grapes? Grapes love mild winters, dry summers, and warm climate. When the winter is too cold, the grapes can die although the fruit also needs winter dormancy.
You have to pick an ideal location for the grapevines. It would be best to plant the grapes on slopes facing the southwest or south. This way, your grapes will get plenty of sunlight. It will not be a great idea to plant the grapes near trees because the vines will be shaded. With the slopes, you can ensure that the soil has well drainage. You need to be aware that the roots of the grapevines should not be saturated with water, so do plant in slopes. The grapes you will grow should depend on the wine that you want to produce.

Wine Grape Farming:

Growing Your Own Grapes Farming Business
The grapes used for production of red or white wines are different and there are also those that are made by blending grape varieties. Grapes also need trellises and this should have been installed prior to planting. The trellises are needed to keep the grape fruits off the ground. After harvest season, you can now produce wines from your quality grapes. If you want to produce only the quality fruits, you have to prune the vines during winter months. You will need considerable land space if you want to grow many grapes.
Why don’t you consider wine grape farming? You don’t have to be an expert planter. In fact, you can use the internet to learn more about proper planting of grapes for wine production. It’s up to you whether you will produce your own wine or you can tale the grapes to a wine producer. Keep in mind that the grapes used for making wine should not be fed with huge amounts of fertilizer. Follow the growing tips and soon you can harvest the best grapes that can produce red or white wines. You might want to hire extra help because managing the vineyard can be time consuming and tiring. With the right knowledge and skills, you can easily grow grapes for wine production.

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