Starting a home-based promotion supplies or advertising specialties business can be exciting and fun. You will be selling items such as key
chains, coffee mugs, T-shirts and calendars with corporate names and
logos. Schools and small businesses such as restaurants are also
potential customers. It is best to sell promotional supply items through
an established direct sales organization, such as Kaeser & Blair or
Advertising Specialty Institute. Startups costs are minimal.
Step 1
Set up an office in your home with a computer, printer, fax machine and file cabinet. Use a revenue/expense ledger to keep track of all sales and expenses.Step 2
Create a business name for your promotional supplies business. Use a name like Jones Advertising Specialties, which is highly descriptive. Register your doing business as through your local county or city administration office, according to Apply for a vendor's license at the same time, as you will need to pay sales taxes on in-state customers.Step 3

Step 4
Call some of the promotional supply direct sales companies. Find out if your potential supplier will ship orders out for you, which will keep your inventory costs down. Choose the promotional supplies company that offers you the best commissions or lowest per-unit costs. Make sure your direct sales company sells a large variety of your preferred products.Step 5
Ask your promotional supplies company if they provide a website for your customers. Plan on using this website for customers to place future orders from you. Include your website on all business cards, brochures, catalogs and order forms.Step 6

Step 7
Take a catalog, brochures, business cards and order forms with you on all sales calls. Fill out an order form when people order from you. Leave a brochure, business card and order form behind if an individual needs more time before placing an order.Step 8
Take all orders home with your each day. Place individual orders for people through your direct sales company. Just provide the direct sales company with the name and address of each customer. Allow the direct sales company to ship all of your orders out to customers.Step 9
Place classified advertising through your local newspaper. Invite people to visit your website or call you for additional information.Step 10

Things Needed
- Contact
your best customers every month or two to see if they need more
promotional items. Take an order over the phone or thorough your website
if the business has wants to order again. Contact all companies about
any knew products that you are marketing.
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