Sunday, November 17, 2013

How to Start Your Own Coffee Farming Business

How to Start Your Own Coffee Farming Business
If you want to earn money, you can start your own coffee bean farm. This is a great way to provide the local market with quality coffee beans. You can sell the beans fresh or you can dry them out.

Maintain high quality at all times to get higher sales. Promote your business thoroughly to gain recognition and visibility.

Coffee Bean Farm

How to Start Your Own Coffee Farming BusinessThere are many ways to make money. If you’re hard working, motivated, and determined, you will surely be able to pick the right business opportunity. Starting a coffee bean farm may seem overwhelming at first but if you try to enhance your knowledge and skills about the industry, there is a way to succeed. You should know the growth requirements of coffee and the things you need in the coffee bean farm. You will need to work on your business plan. Conduct a market study to know the existing competition. There are established coffee bean companies out there. Do you think you can compete with them?

Location is vital to success. Is your region suitable for growing coffee? You can grow the coffee beans on nursery beds and poly bags. Hire staffs to help you in planting and growing the coffee. Depending on the size of the farm, you can hire 3 or more employees. Since you’re going to sell the coffee beans, you have to secure a business license. That way, you can operate the farm legally. Determine if there are zoning requirements in your place and comply accordingly.

Growing Coffee Beans

When germinating the seeds, you can choose between two methods. The first method is spreading the coffee seeds on sand beds and covering them with straw or burlap bags. Another method would be mixing the seeds with expanded polystyrene or moist vermiculite. The seeds are kept in polythene bags. When the seedlings have grown to 20 to 40 centimeters, they will be planted on the fields. The soil should contain rotted manure from cattle as well as phosphate fertilizer. The beds should be at least one meter in width and the seedlings should be planted around 50cm deep. Each seedling should be spaced 12-15cm.

It’s best to pick a shaded spot for the nursery beds or you can construct temporary shading. As the coffee grows, shading should be reduced gradually. If you decide to grow the coffee from polybags, you will need black diothene and fill it with topsoil, rotted manure, gravel, coarse sand, coffee husks, or coffee pulp. You can use this ratio 3:1:1; 3 is for the topsoil and 1 for coarse sand and rotted manure. Now that you know how to grow coffee beans, you can now start with your own coffee bean farm. With the right knowledge and skills, you will be able to earn a lot of money. Sell the coffee beans in the market and always maintain quality.

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