Showing posts with label Eggplant Farming Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eggplant Farming Business. Show all posts

Monday, November 4, 2013

How to Start a Eggplant Farming Business

How to Start a Eggplant Farming Business
Eggplant farming forms an easy cultivation plant which you can easily grow in your backyard. It requires proper irrigation facilities, good amount of sunlight. There are certain tips for this farming like you need to control the growth of pests which affect the eggplants in its earliest growth phase.
Certain diseases too might occur like fruit rot which spoils the plant.
Eggplant has been cultivated since ages. In USA it was introduced by Thomas Jefferson who was a horticulturist. Over the past few years it has been in the news all the more. This farming can be done easily in your home’s backyard also.