Sunday, January 12, 2014

How to Start Fruit Farming Business | Growing Your Own Star Fruit Farm | কামরাঙ্গা চাষ

How to Start Fruit Farming Business
Is growing fruit trees a hobby and a passion for you? Do you want to turn this pastime into a source of livelihood?
The following will guide farmers, novice entrepreneurs and those who want to have a small business into the basics to startup a fruit farming business.

Fruits are among the constant commodities in the food market. Almost everybody eat fruits due to its nutritional value, or simply because they are delicious. Accordingly, growing fruit trees can be a good source of income for every farmer and new entrepreneurs desiring to tap the potential of the fruit growing industry. With these, the following are the basic things one needs to know when starting a fruit farming business.

Carambola,(Reference:Starfruit) also known as Starfruit, is the fruit of Averrhoa carambola, a species of tree native to the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. The fruit is popular throughout Southeast Asia, the South Pacific and parts of East Asia. The tree is also cultivated throughout non-indigenous tropical areas, such as in Latin America, the Caribbean, and the southern United States.
The fruit has distinctive ridges running down its sides (usually five, but can sometimes vary); in cross-section, it resembles a star, hence its name. The entire fruit is edible and is usually eaten out of hand. They may also be used in cooking, and can be made into relishes, preserves, and juice drinks.

কামরাঙ্গা (তথ্যসুত্র:কামরাঙ্গা)একটি চিরসবুজ ছোট মাঝারি আকৃতির গাছের টকমিষ্টি ফল। গাছ ১৫-২৫ ফুট লম্বা হয়। ঘন ডাল পালা আচ্ছাদিত, পাতা যৌগিক, ১-৩ ইঞ্চি লম্বা। বাকল মসৃন কালো রংএর। ফল ৩-৬ ইঞ্চি ব্যাসের এবং ভাজযুক্ত। ফল কাঁচা অবস্থায় সবুজ এবং পাকলে হলুদ। কামরাঙ্গা টক স্বাদযুক্ত বা টকমিষ্টি হতে পারে। কোন কোন গাছে একাধিকবার বা সারাবছরই ফল পাওয়া যায়। এটি ভিটামিন এ ও সি এর ভাল উৎস। সেপ্টেম্বর থেকে জানুয়ারিতে ফল পাওয়া যায়।
বৈজ্ঞানিক নাম: Averrhoa carambola Linn. পরিবার: Oxalidacea ইংরেজি নাম: Chinese gooseberry, Carambola

Fruit Farming Business Plan

Every business venture needs careful planning and strategizing at the start. This plan necessarily includes all important and necessary matters to the farm. Having a definite plan will give the entrepreneur an overall outlook regarding the business, together with possible problems, which may be encountered. It involves the startup cost for the fruit farming biz, the place to start planting the orchard, the equipment necessary for farming and transporting the fruits, the market, the needs of buyers and the existing fruit farming biz competitors.

Where to Start a Fruit Farming Biz

How to Start Fruit Farming BusinessOne of the most important elements of every farming business is the land. Choosing the right location for your orchard greatly affects the growth and production of your business. Several factors must be considered in choosing the land to plant your orchard. This includes the type of soil, the soil’s PH, exposure to sunlight and source of water. In determining these factors, an orchard owner must first determine what type of fruits to grow in the farm. It also involves choosing the size of the trees to be planted. As a general rule, the dwarfer the trees, the sooner it will produce fruits.

Equipment to Use

A fruit farmer does not need to invest much on equipment when the farm is not that big. The most common and basic tools needed are air-blast sprayer, small tractor, mower, pull behinds and carts.
The air-blast sprayer is for fungicide, insecticide and application of plant growth regulator. The tractor on the other hand should be small enough to run around the trees in the orchard. A 30-60 hp tractor is sufficient for small farms. A cart or small truck is also necessary to transport the harvest from the farm to the storage area, and also to the market and other fruit farming biz clients.

Settle All Legalities

Even if your business grows overtime, the need to settle all legal matters must not be taken for granted. Legal issues may arise in the future, which will hamper the growth of your business or even lead it to eventual loss. It is best to deal will legal matters at the start of the business by going directly to the local government office. Secure a fruit farming biz license. Ask for the requirements and comply to them accordingly.

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  2. Carambola Farming, Growing Your Own Star Fruit Farm, How to Start Fruit Farming Business, Star Fruit Farm, Start Fruit Farming, কামরাঙ্গা চাষ


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