Lavender is woody and perennial plant that has romantic flower. It grows up to 1½ to 3 feet tall. The leaves are 2 inches long which has gray-green color.
Do you wish to grow lavenders flowers to make money? If that’s the case, you have to know how to effectively grow and take good care of lavender flowers.
Lavender is known to be one of the famous herbs with the fragrance of its dried flowers and from the oil which is refined from it. This is typically being use as perfumes, so growing lavender flowers as business is truly lucrative.
Since this perennial is slow to grow, you can propagate it indoors by using seed trays. You must use bottom heat, 18 degrees C (65 degrees F). In order for the seedlings to become well established, you must keep the soil moist. If you will be cutting it, you can take it from tips of shoots. Place it on sandy soil and make sure to keep it moist, it likes full sun and warm. As soon as the root system entrenched, you can transplant it. You can plant it in groups, it will look very attractive. Before the last flower on the spike will open, it is best to pick on the flower stalks. You can have to harvest it on a dry day but make sure that the sun is not too hot. In an airy place, you must hang the packs upside down. You have to store it in airtight containers.
Lavenders have lots of usage such as cosmetic, culinary, decorative, aromatic and medicinal. The aromatic oil of lavenders can be used in toilet water, perfume, and cologne. Lavenders are also being used in bath products and cleansing facial steams. It is also known to repel mosquitoes. Lavenders can flavor jellies and vinegars. It is also being use as decoration such as decorative wands, decorative wreaths, and floralarrangement. It also has medicinal qualities. With all of these, it is really a fact that growing lavenders is a lucrative business. Knowing that it has a lot more usage, there will be a lot of shops, businesses, companies and individuals who will go and buy lavender flowers to you.
Lavender Farming Business

How to Growing Your Own Lavender Flowers Farm for Business, Lavender Farming, Lavender Farming Business, Lavender Flowers Farm, Lavender Flowers Farm for Business